Category: Articles

True Hope: A Global Journey Beyond Illusions!
- Fatime Pecaku-Sefolli
- Articles
Journey of Hope As we approach the Christmas season, the message of hope takes on special significance. Christmas reminds us that in the humble birth of Jesus Christ, hope entered the world. The shepherds in the fields, the wise men following the star – they all sought hope in the newborn Savior. Now, let me […]
Sierra Leone, Oct ’23 Team
- Avril McIntyre, Anne Smith, Jack Easter, Sophie Easter, Teah Baiden and Owen Jaques
- Articles
Church under attack: not on my watch
- Fatime Pecacu
- Articles
In a world where faith is often challenged, the church stands as a symbol of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith. But it’s no secret that the church has been under attack for years, facing intimidation, undermining, bullying, and threats from the enemy. However, there comes a point when enough is enough. As believers, we must […]
Even When We Can’t See It, He’s Working!
- Lynn Coles
- Articles
We occasionally sing those words concerning God, from the song “Way Maker”, and there’s no question about their truth because even when you and I are asleep, it does not mean God is asleep. Quite the contrary, as David declares in Psalm 121… “He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches […]
The Battle is Subtle
- Amanda Simmons
- Articles
Sometimes battles are subtle. Perhaps the ongoing erosion of something we had hoped for – maybe for a person or the place where we live. There’s a part of each of us that is made for belonging, connection and relationship. God made that blueprint, and we are made in His image. Think about the first […]
Leading in Battle
- Bec Seaton
- Articles
I manage an additionally resourced provision (ARP) for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. Pupils are usually referred to us when their behaviour puts them at risk of exclusion from their mainstream school. We generally take children for a year, during which time we aim to assess their needs and give them the […]
The Battle is Real
- Elspeth Paisley
- Articles
The battle is real. But so is God, and He’s a mighty warrior. We were on holiday, (Iceland – yes, it was wonderful, thanks for asking :) ) and travelling through some spectacular terrain. Extreme, unfamiliar and wild beauty. I started to feel nervous. There were hardly any cars on the road, we’d only seen […]