
Our Summer Reflections are a set of weekly recorded reflections that will help us take a fresh look at three of our most important foundations.

21/08/2021 – Relationship, Commitment, Community

"Relationship is fundamental to who we are, because it’s fundamental to God: in the beginning he says, “Let us make humankind in our image”. God is plural. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit – a community."

A recorded reflection on how relationship is at the heart of who God is

This reflection takes a fresh look at why commitment to being in relationship with others who are living their lives for God enables us to grow and bear fruit individually and in community.

A text version is available if you would prefer to read the reflection.

Audio-only version

14/08/2021 – The Gospel and Grace

“The incredible thing about grace, is that it’s not just a message or truth, but a power and reality in our lives - it’s a different life source.”

A recorded reflection on the life-changing power of the gospel message.

This reflection takes a fresh look at why grace is so revolutionary in our world and why as Christians we need to return to the gospel again and again.

A text version is available if you would prefer to read the reflection.

Audio-only version

07/08/21 – Forgiveness

“Jesus blows our idea of what forgiveness is out of the water - he takes the lid off our capacity to forgive and says ‘let it flow’.”

A recorded reflection on forgiveness and how we can let it permeate every part of our lives.

This reflection takes a fresh look at how Jesus talked about and acted on it in the gospels.

A text version is available if you would prefer to read the reflection.

Audio-only version