Category: Articles

When life hands you rags…
- Heidi Singleton
- Articles
I love fabric! I can’t pass a fabric shop without going in and rummaging through the remnant bin – the possibility that I may find a treasure to include in my next quilt! Then with each sewing project I complete (or try to complete!) I squirrel away those precious off cuts, no piece too small […]
What must I do to be saved?
- Jamie Singleton
- Articles
Nothing… And that is harder than you think. We are all trying to justify ourselves, make ourselves worthy of some standard. We are constantly trying to excuse our faults. Whether that is the ‘little white lie’ we told to protect someone else (though really it was because we didn’t want to face the fallout of […]
Claire’s Heart for Transforming Her Area
- Claire Asplin
- Articles
My name is Claire and I live opposite a disused bus turnaround. I have lived here a long time and as the bus turnaround is not used by the bus company or the area maintained it became very overgrown, both on the D section and the pathway and fencing round the edges, and you could […]
Lisa’s Valance Park Adventure
- Lisa Adams
- Articles
I have always loved Valence Park; it is the park where my daughter and son had their first time on a swing and where they took their new bikes on their birthdays. I found it painful to watch the play equipment break, get removed and not be replaced. The park became greyer and more desolate […]
Gardening this Christmas anyone?
- Brandon Thesee
- Articles
(personal thoughts on sharing our faith this Christmas…) As we enter the month of December and as Christmas quickly approaches, traditionally we might have started to think (or be encouraged to think) about whom we might invite to our church Christmas meetings. Maybe for the first time, they might come and see and hear the […]
Keeping the Adventure Fresh
- Richard Griffin
- Articles
I did my first extreme ride at Thorpe Park aged fifty-eight, and first canoed along rivers in the South of France in my early fifties. One of the pitfalls of being part of LifeLine (or any church!) for over forty years is to lose that sense of adventure and become caught up with the form. […]
By Grace Alone
- Jimmy Chakanyuka
- Articles
[Jimmy Chakanyuka came to spend a year with us. From Zimbabwe, Jimmy joined our discipleship programme, Doulos, and reflects on his year] Hosanna Lord come to save us. Looking back at the past ten months I can see how God had perfectly planned everything so precisely for me to see how big he is. He […]
You can’t see the join!
- Sue Griffin
- Articles
Building Belonging During Lockdown
- Sally Dixon
- Articles