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David "Attenborough" Simmons
The Heart of Serving
Claire Akerman, Phil Paisley, James Ratnarajah
Ram Matharu, Sam Warlow
8 Hesitations of Serving
We are not committing for life – sometimes we give for a season.
We need to have sense of faith for the serving i.e. this is where God has called me for now. Once I have heard from God then I give my all.
We expect leaders to think about the future which may be about setting systems in place and training and developing others to replace.
We don’t serve at our preference or convenience (2 Sam 24:24 – David wont sacrifice on land which cost him nothing). Our focus has to be on what God has called me to.
Ministries, as part of priority on developing the person, should have regular conversationto see what God is stirring in individual so shouldn’t be surprised if someone feels to move on or needs to recommit to the work.
Both parties should set out expectation and understanding. However this isn’t like professional setting where you only do what the job descriptions lists – we are willing to serve in the need (e.g. Good Samaritan)
Our priority is to present each other mature in Christ. Volunteers are not tools to get a job done. We want to see person grow and this should be laid out for the both parties so both can grasp the sense of vision and steps to get there.
It’s ok to say ‘this wasn’t what we had originally agreed, let’s think how this need can be met, together’.
Make an effort to find out. Chat with department heads. Take interest in the corporate activities e.g. if the setup is short of a pair of hands, whose responsibility is it? Mine.
Departments should make church aware of needs.
Departments can make specific approaches to individuals.
First question to ask – ‘is this what God has for me?’
God can stop the sun if he needs more time (Josh 10:13). It might involve re-evaluating other commitments.
Be honest about your perceived strengths and weaknesses with the person you are serving.
Be willing to learn. We don’t only serve in our strengths otherwise we would never develop in our weaknesses.
Believe that God can make use of anything you bring (boy’s lunch fed 5,000+). It’s our availability over our ability He is looking for.
God can breathe skills into us (Peter – walking on water, David – can scale a wall Ps18:29 and ask about the Dave Mansell Piano story)
Check with with the person you would be serving if this is really necessary.
See what kind of communication would be feasible to enable the serving.
Sometimes God allows us to see a need so we can prompt someone else to serve, or perhaps commit to praying for it instead.
We still need to have a sense of peace/conviction that this is ours to do.
My preference doesn’t come into it – we pick up our cross and follow Him.
As we do what we know is right we can expect to receive compassion and grace to enable us to do what He has called us to.