Searching for answers?

We all need to be able to explore big questions of life! Visit us on a Sunday morning meeting or during the week at our hub at Castle Point, or join in with Alpha or Finding Solutions  – spaces which facilitate a friendly conversation about faith, life and God.

How can I become a Christian?

A Christian is someone who follows Jesus. Their goal in life is always to please God.

Because of His love for us, God has made it exceedingly simple to become a Christian. All you have to do is

  • Receive Jesus as your saviour
  • Accept His death as the payment for your sin
  • Trust Him alone

This leads us into a personal relationship with Jesus. It isn’t about doing any rituals or religious acts, or following a list of rules!

If you have questions, or have recently decided to follow Jesus, the next step is to find a body of believers (a church) to journey with. Click below if you’d like to meet someone from LifeLine Church, or join us on a Sunday morning


Alpha Course

Alpha Courses are regularly run with both daytime and evening options.

Come and join in. Explore life’s big questions.

The course is 11 weeks and is designed to spark conversation with others in an open, informal environment. You will unpack the basics of the Christian faith, addressing questions such as:

  • Who is Jesus?
  • How can we have faith?
  • How does God guide us? 

Hit the email button if you’d like to join an Alpha course

Finding Solutions

‘Finding Solutions to Questions of Life’ does exactly what it says!

Courses run regularly with both daytime and evening options. You can join in at any point and everyone is welcome!

The lively discussion covers many issues such as:

  • How can I deal with anger?
  • Why do I feel so stressed and depressed?
  • Why do I feel rejected?
  • How can I live differently?

The group is also available in Albanian

Hit the email button below to find out more

Finding Solutions Going Deeper

‘Finding Solutions – Going Deeper’ is especially designed for people who have recently decided to follow Jesus (become a Christian). It will help you to grow in your relationship with Jesus and connect with others in the church.

Courses run regularly and you can join in at any point

Hit the email button below to find out more


Some short stories from people who have met Jesus