Sunday Teachings

Missed a Sunday? Or listening from afar? Catch up here. Our Sunday teaching sometimes follows a theme, a book or explores the ‘now’ word of God to us as a community. Feel free to explore and use our online library of resources at

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John 17: Jesus prays for us all, weak and strong alike!
The power of thankfulness
Games and Jasmine the puppet help to unpack the concept of eternal life in an accessible way for the whole family
Light always overcomes the darkness
James helps us to untangle some wrong notions of holiness, and access God’s invitation to us to ‘Be Holy because I am Holy’
Do we trust what God has said to us, or do we get swayed by the enemy’s original question that swayed Eve in Genesis?
Kings Series, Episode 4, 1 Kings ch 4 – the wisdom chapter
How do the lessons we learn from 1 Kings ch 2 apply to us today?
Zacchaeus was a character in the bible, so motivated to hear and see Jesus that he climbed up into a tree. Why? What was driving him?